EPA Bed Bug Summit 2011
Updated: 2011-01-29 14:44:00
: Pest Control Information and Facts Information about roaches , bed bugs , ants , bees , wasps , mice , rats , and creatures of all . kinds Saturday , January 29, 2011 EPA Bed Bug Summit 2011 Next Tuesday is the second Bed Bug Summit being offered by the US Environmental Protection Agency in Washington DC . I plan to be there , pending snow and ice predicted for my area those days . I attended the last summit in 2009 and found it to be extremely interesting , and as the months and years went by and the ideas that were born at this summit grew , productive . The last Summit was about ideas , a national brainstorming if you will , but this one I hope is a Summit about solutions . We have protocol and procedure in place . We know about the chemical resistance and crazy genes these bugs have